CornCon VI CTF is hosted by TryHackMe. If you don’t have an account already, head over to https://tryhackme.com/ to sign up for an account and do the walk through so you are familiar with how to connect.
Use OpenVPN to connect to the TryHackMe network to access your target machines (in-browser attack boxes are limited to 1 hour once per day).
Start at 8 PM CDT Friday, October 2nd
Finish at 4 PM CDT Saturday, October 3rd
Link will be posted to Discord at the start
* Scoreboard is based on individuals. If you want to work together, have a designated answer person (or share a logon just this one time. It’s cool, IT will never know. I promise we won’t tell)
* Extra points for first correct submission
* All content is located in the TryHackMe CornCon CTF room. Please only attack target machines. TryHackMe website and services are not in scope. Neither is this discord server or the rest of the internet
* Hints are free. Often they include clues about how to format the flag
* Not all but many flags require use of TryHackMe deployed machines. Get your VPN configured early!
We’re virtual and 2020 is a weird year, so how about money?
$50 to first place
$25 to second
Top 3 get passes to CornCon VII
Must be registered CornCon attendees to win.
(Forgot to register for the free event you’re already at? http://bit.ly/ccvireg )
If you have other questions, please feel free to reach out to anyone on the @CTF-Admin team.