PLATIMUM SPONSORSMalwarebytesSpeaker/VIP Friday Dinner Co-Sponsor
GOLD SPONSORSSwag, Prizes & Kids Program Sponsor Aries Security – Election HackingDonation of much time and effort and their own expense to pull this off!
SILVER SPONSORSAttivoFriday Breakfast/Networking Hour Sponsor SymantecKeynote Speaker and Book Signing Sponsor
Trend MicroDroneWarz Sponsor
BRONZE SPONSORS, SWAG, PRIZESConventusDemistoConference Bag Sponsor
MicrosoftNSS LabsFriday Lunch Sponsor
SafeBreachTripwireCo-Sponsor of Speaker/VIP Friday Dinner
No Starch PressElectronic Frontier Foundation Hackerboxes
AT&TSwag Bags
Aligned Security
Partners & Hacker Village LeadersVisit for a full list of security conferences!
US Cyber Command – Pen Testing Village QC Chamber and QC Manufacturing Innovation Hub QC Cybersecurity Alliance (QCCYBER.COM)