Code of Conduct

CornCon does not condone harassment against any participant, for any reason. Harassment includes deliberate intimidation and targeting individuals in a manner that makes them feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or afraid.

Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. We reserve the right to respond to harassment in the manner we deem appropriate, including but not limited to expulsion without refund and referral to the relevant authorities.

This Code of Conduct applies to everyone participating at CornCon – from Attendees and Sponsors to Speakers, Press, and Volunteers.

Anyone can report harassment. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, go to the registration desk or let a Volunteer (Goon) with a red badge know.

Conference staff will be happy to help participants contact venue security, local law enforcement, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of CornCon.

Event Photography

There will be photography and video recording in public areas at the venue. Attendees and Participant(s) for which they have legal responsibility understand and permit use of any photography by Event agents, Volunteers, Venue Staff, Press, and Sponsors for public display and promotional purposes for this Event and for their legitimate purposes. Photography by other participants in public areas is permitted with no restrictions. Immediately report any behavior that is deemed inappropriate to Event staff and volunteers. Please notify official photographers if you do not want photos of yourself or Participant(s) for which they have legal responsibility.